If you are not active or trying to be active then this is NOT for you! Our supplements are designed for men who take on heavy mental and physical loads on an almost daily basis.

If that is not you then please exit our site and come back when you're ready to be a man.

If this is you then you will enjoy our natural approach to support focus, memory, muscle growth and recovery.

Our formula is superior because the ingredients were created by God and not man.

"Nature's Steroid"

Our holistic blend captures the powerful herbs used by ancient warriors before they went into battle to provide them with vitality, energy, and stamina so you can achieve similar benefits.

Truth & Integrity

The Men of Order approach:

🧠 Sustainable solutions. No compromising the future for the present.

🌿 Only the highest-quality ingredients. Curating the best the world has to offer.

🗯️ Transparency and honesty. We're an open book - get at us in the contact form below if you have questions.