Tap into the power of hypnosis to give your partner sheet-ripping orgasms and take your sex life to the next level!
I know already that no one will read this post. The reason being everyone in the world is already having mind-blowing, sheet-ripping orgasms, right? Well, ummm….
The Scourge of Bad Sex
It seems as if the world is incessantly desperate for deeper and more satisfying pleasures. The sex industry thrives on this premise, and pushes billions of dollars worth of products every year right down our throats, so to speak. Each one promising a new way to get your rocks off! Now, I’m not one to say a toy or supplement can’t be fun or useful, but the keys to amazing pleasures in your life already exist within you. If you want to experience pleasure beyond your wildest imaginings, don’t look to a pill or even worse, surgery. Look into your own mind, your own body, your own imagination. All of the necessary ingredients are already right there at your fingertips. Enter Hypnosis.
The Promise of Erotic Hypnosis
Working with hypnosis for erotic enhancement delivers several powerful, positive, results that are critical to experiencing massive pleasure. Here are 3 immediate results:
1. Relaxation: It’s really hard to feel immense pleasure when you are stressed, tense, or uncomfortable. One of the best and obvious side effects of hypnosis is total relaxation. When you reach the level of relaxation that is available through hypnosis, all of the tension, stress, and worry just dissolve away.
Your body also becomes relaxed, loose, calm, and pain-free. This just happens to be a very wonderful state to be in for experiencing orgasms! After just a few hypnosis sessions, one can learn how to relax at will, just by breathing and changing their thoughts. Not only an effective tool for sex, but a skill that can enhance every part of your life.
2. Imagination: In Hypnotic Trance, the imagination is set loose, allowed to create wildly, with color, sound, taste, and touch. The ability to see vividly in one’s imagination, and the ability to let go completely and experience, in a full and sensual way, is the superhighway to pleasure. This is why fantasies play such an important part of sexuality.
Don’t believe me? What is the highest selling genre of books, FOREVER? Romance! That’s right. A good imagination mixed with sexual pleasure is one of the cornerstones to amazing orgasms! Hypnosis is the fastest way, without using drugs or submersion tanks, to develop your imagining muscles.
3. Physical Sensation: Physical sensations are not what we have been led to believe. Physical sensations are first analyzed by the mind, before they are “felt”. We often feel the pain from a cut or injury seconds after it happens. This is why hypnosis gained a lot of use during WWII when helping wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Hypnosis allowed them to ease the pain and make it through until they received help.
Now you may be asking what does WWII have to do with orgasms?
Well just as you can relieve pain with the power of the subconscious mind, so can you amplify pleasure. The physical sensations of ecstatic pleasure can be excited, made stronger, and felt more deeply. Hypnosis and the power of the imagination can open the gates to unimaginable pleasure! Once you’ve learned how to do this in a hypnosis session, (where everyone is, of course, fully clothed and strictly professional), you can take it home to explore with your partner and experience better sex, pleasure, and orgasms than ever before. Also, you can learn how to do this yourself, and become a master erotic hypnotist for you and your partner to enjoy for years to come.
I’ve heard some statisticians say that the divorce rate in the U.S. is now around 50%! I believe much of the problem, if folks would admit to it, begins in the bedroom. When there is no spice in the sexual relationship, there is no excitement and energy. This can often lead to distance and resentment in a relationship, and for married couples, sometimes divorce.
When lovers or individuals begin to explore and use the powers of the subconscious mind, opening up worlds of imagination and sensation, amazing sex is no longer an issue. There are many other factors, of course, that make a great relationship happen. But I think most would agree that a healthy sex life is extremely important. With hypnotic phenomena, there is a whole other world out there that can help to set your spirit ablaze.
If the quality of your lovelife isn’t what you would like it to be, you don’t have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on sex pills, pornography, or surgical procedures. Experience wonderful pleasure from the inside out. It is all within you already! Explore. Try it out. Experiment with it, and make it even better. You can always go back to what you WERE doing...
If you want to LEARN HOW TO DO THIS, or EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF, you know where to find me.
Enjoy the Ride!
Andy Eversole, C.H.