Mental Point of Origin - COVID Edition

Mental Point of Origin - COVID Edition

Covid was the perfect time for a man to hone his ability to screen the righteous from the wicked. They asked everyone to put aside their me-centric needs for the greater good. The same way society expects men to lay down on the sword so humanity can walk across our backs unscathed.

Marquett Davon Burton says to “be good to good people.”
If you were paying attention over the last year, you should realize that the people demanding that you sacrifice, really only care about themselves.

Riddle me this Batman:

If you doing certain actions you don’t want to do, makes others happy, why don’t those others care about forcing you to do things that make you unhappy?

99% of the time, when people try to shame you for standing up for yourself, it’s not about doing what’s right, it’s about doing what THEY determine to be right—usually for their own interests.

And they are unwilling to do the same in the inverse for your benefit.

Greek titan Atlas throwing the world off his shoulder GIF

These are neither kind nor good people.
You don’t owe them anything.

Be Good To Good People

I spoke about how women are ruled by their emotions. And how adding the emotional filter helped me with my decision-making. Specifically, it allowed me to become my own mental point of origin.

As Men of Order, one should seek out what they want, preferably in alignment with what's good for others. And at worst, is null to others.

Good for you; null for others
Good for you; good for others
Null for you; good for others

Do Not:
Bad for you; null for others
Bad for you; good for others

Good for you; bad for others
Bad for you; bad for others

Do they deserve it?

We’re going to use the COVID response as it has clear interpretations for analysis.

Vax the Kids

From the onset of the pandemic, it has been determined that kids 18 and under were virtually unaffected by the virus.

However, mainstream media and politicians targeted kids as “carriers” to be neutralized to protect those more susceptible to illness.

The potential negative side effects of vax, and mask mandates in schools, were known and still pushed forward. So we arrive at this conclusion in the alignment process:

Covid measures for children (masks, learning from home, social distancing, etc):

Terrible for children, good for adults

Children playing ring around the rosie

People advocated their own gain at the “potential” expense of children.

Advocation for people of marginal risk, to take-on heart problems, fertility issues, etc., so their own wretched lives could have a better chance of survival…

Worthy of total annihilation.


The major point of “Stop the spread” was to protect those susceptible to death, while “herd immunity” (the OG definition) could take place.

Bad for us, good for death susceptible people.

While not ideal, it is something to get behind as a short-term solution. Momentary discomfort for the gain of people in need of protection is an honorable thing to do.

However, there was a massive flaw in this strategy—everyone didn’t need a COVID lockdown.

  • Option A) Lock down those susceptible to death, and those likely to survive
  • Option B) Lock down those susceptible to death, and let those likely to survive to continue their day-to-day lives
Guy looking outside, with his hand on the window, longing to go outdoors during covid stay at home orders

In both decisions, those susceptible to death are locked down. This causes a total reframing of the alignment decision:

Bad for likely survivors, good for death-susceptible people.

Good for likely survivors, Null for death-susceptible people
Good for likely survivors, bad for death-susceptible people

And by “bad”, I mean it’s unfair that the death-susceptible people have to be on COVID lockdown while everyone else gets to carry on. In reality, it is discomforting for the death-susceptible people at worst. And at best, it’s null to them, as they would be locked down either way.

The honorable thing in this situation would be for them to take the lockdown and let the rest of us carry on.

We are left to a few conclusions:

  1. They are idiots and didn’t weigh out all the pros and cons before making these major decisions
  2. They did weigh the pros and cons and made an honest mistake with the wrong decisions
  3. They did weigh the pros and cons and made maliciously wrong decisions
  4. They didn’t care

You decide.


This process is easy method to differentiate the righteous from the wicked.

Lady Justice and her scales in one hand, a sword in the other

Good for you; null for others
Good for you; good for others
Null for you; good for others

Do Not:
Bad for you; null for others
Bad for you; good for others

Good for you; bad for others
Bad for you; bad for others

Do they deserve it?

Recognize the good people in your life, and be good to good people.
But when you discover the wicked, mark them for annihilation.

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