The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan Experience with Dr. Rhonda Patrick - Summary

I know this is an old episode, but Joe Rogan is a hot topic so allow me to get my grift on. This quick summary includes health tips that are immediately applicable.

The Joe Rogan Experience

As you may have heard, Joe Rogan hosts the #1 podcast in the world. He invites a very wide range of guests to pick their brains about their passions, expertise, or sometimes just life in general. From what I've seen, Rogan doesn't discriminate with who he interviews. On The Joe Rogan Experience, there's many times where Joe will find himself disagreeing with a guest, citing a previous guest that made a different conclusion on a particular topic.

The Joe Rogan Experience

It seems that Joe Rogan just wants to learn & think. His podcast motivates people to think critically & that's why the machine wants to keep him under control. His podcast is bigger than any of the TV news networks, so when his guests say anything that goes against their narrative, the machine turns against him.

That is why Joe Rogan has been trending, but I'll use it for a better purpose.

Episode 901 of The Joe Rogan Experience featuring Dr. Rhonda Patrick

As I listened to this episode of the Joe Rogan Experience a couple years ago, Dr. Rhonda Patrick impressed me with her sharpness & preparedness. Joe's first comment of the podcast was "You've got a big, fat book of notes over there".

So, I figured that means I better take some notes from her notes! I'm glad I did. Here are 3 of my favorites.

The relationship between running & learning

When Dr. Rhonda Patrick first mentioned this relationship, I wasn't buying it. Personally, I'd never heard of this. Maybe I was out of the loop.

The study she referenced shows that if you run right before learning something, you'll have better short term memory of the information you learn. Conversely, if you learn something right before running, you'll have better long term memory of the information you learned.

This isn't subject to only running. She suggests that any form of aerobic exercise could do the trick.

Application - If you're studying for an exam the next day, a run afterwords will help you retain the information come test time. If the test is in 4 hours, go for a run & then study up.

Challenge yourself to stay sharp

When I say challenge yourself to stay sharp, I mean it quite literally. This idea comes off as more obvious than the first, but it's very important.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick says that challenging yourself physically, as well as mentally, can help your aging process. You'll be physically & mentally sharper in your older years than you will if you don't challenge yourself. This obviously makes sense but most of us aren't thinking that far ahead.

We begin to lose brain mass around 20 years old. If you made it to 100 years old, you'd have presumably lost 20% of your brain mass. A key to maintaining your brain mass: pushing yourself physically & mentally.

Application - Challenge yourself. Learn new things. Push your body. Get out of your comfort zone. If you need a good place to start, subscribe here at Men Of Order & get to action!

Eating clock

This is very important for your health. Basically, we should be eating on a clock. The moment we consume anything besides water in the morning is when the clock starts because that's when our metabolic enzymes get to work. Once the clock hits 10-12 hours, we shouldn't consume anything else besides water until we fast for 12-14 hours.

Let's say you have a cup of coffee at 7 in the morning & after a long day of work, you eat your dinner at 10 PM. You're operating on a 15 hour clock. This causes you to "gain more fat, become more insulin insensitive, & your muscle starts to waste", according to Dr. Patrick.

The most optimal eating clock for best results is 9-10 hours, which would be a 13-14 hour fast. This allows your digestive system to rest, heal, & work at its best. Eating on a 9-10 hour clock can help you with muscle mass & energy, lowers hormones that promote the growth of cancer, & improves your metabolism, amongst many other health benefits.

Here's one example that stuck out to me: Women who have had breast cancer have reduced their risk of getting it again by around 40% while eating on a 9-11 hour clock.

If you have a terrible diet to begin with, you should probably start there. I wrote this guide on maintaining a healthy diet to help you.

Application - It's tough. You either have to fast in the morning, or eat dinner very early. Nonetheless, you can figure out a schedule that works for you. If you're serious about your health, your diet should be top priority. This one can get confusing, so listen to this short clip from the episode where she explains Time Restricted Eating & its benefits. She'll convince you to take action & apply this eating clock in your daily life if I haven't convinced you already.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Time Restricted Eating
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