NFL Star Calvin Ridley's Sports Betting Suspension

NFL Star Calvin Ridley's Sports Betting Suspension

When you are a player, coach, GM, owner, etc of an NFL team, you aren't allowed to bet on NFL games. Even if you aren't betting on your own team, it's forbidden. In my opinion, the reasons are obvious. The rule is to protect the integrity of the game. Allowing players or coaches, or any other personnel, to bet on sports in which they are directly involved, is asking for trouble. It opens the doors to games being fixed, altered, or being thrown by the very people participating in the game.

This rule is standard across many leagues. Even as an NCAA athlete, I had to sign contracts stating that I can't place wagers on any NCAA games or events. Even though the NFL & other leagues have now fully embraced sports betting in terms of marketing & advertising sports betting companies, this rule isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Was Calvin Ridley Fixing NFL Games?!

Here are the accusations, per Adam Schefter.

Calvin Ridley Sports Betting

In my humble opinion, the most irresponsible part of all of this is that he bet on the Falcons to WIN. He could have donated that money to our homeschooling initiative instead of donating it to Fan Duel.

Someone tell Calvin Ridley to follow my sports betting twitter so he can make some smarter plays.

When Did He Make These Bets?

Allegedly, he made the bets in November while he was away from the team. He was on the non-football injury list, on a break from the Falcons & football to work on his mental health. They haven't released any accusations or evidence of any other bets placed.

This is what leads me to believe he was NOT fixing games. He wasn't even with the team at the time of these bets being placed. He didn't play in any of the games. All he did was break the rule & now he's suspended for at least next season.

The reports also state that no other players, coaches, or any NFL personnel were involved with Ridley making these bets. IF anybody actually was involved, it makes sense that the NFL would hide that information, to protect the integrity of the games.

Don't be surprised if more accusations come out in the following months!

Is the Integrity of NFL Games on the Line?

It crosses every fan's mind at some point in life: "Are these games being fixed?"

If it's being fixed, we usually assume it's some billionaire who put a multi-million dollar ticket on a certain outcome. To ensure the outcome happens, the billionaire made a few more payments to referees, players, or coaches.

When a ref makes a horrendous call, or a 49ers defensive backdrops a very welcoming invite to the Super Bowl; you can't help but wonder if this is actually occurring.

Then, we see news about a player betting on games, and an owner offering to pay his head coach to lose games on purpose, and the thoughts begin to run even deeper.

Do you think NFL games are being fixed?

Calvin Ridley Sports Betting

Also, Calvin Ridley is willing to bet $1500 that he doesn't have a gambling problem. Any takers?

The Men Of Order will be talking about this tonight on YouTube. Tune in!
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