Furious 5’s - Cassius Cam’s WOD

Furious 5’s - Cassius Cam’s WOD

Welcome back gentlemen.

In today's session we will be focusing on speed, power and explosion.

Routine’s like the one you’re about to embark on are a sure shot way to make sure that your “show” muscles are also “go” muscles.

Equipment Needed

  • Kettlebell 
  • Plyo boxes 

  • Warm- Up 

    Before I do a max effort explosion workout I make sure to break a good sweat.  Grab a jump rope.

    For 1 min intervals alternate between jump rope and bear crawls without breaks for 10 mins.

    Start slow and increase the intensity as you loosen up.

    Follow this with a 5 minute dynamic stretch. 


    You will perform 3 max effort movements for 5 reps each without rest.

  • Kettlebell Clean & Press (5 each side)
  • Gut buster burpee
  • Box jumps 

  • Use the heaviest kettlebell and highest plyo box you can use safely for 5 repetitions.  Also do the burpees as fast as possible.

    (2 min rest between sets) 

    • Beginner - 4 sets 
    • Intermediate - 7 sets 
    • Elite - 10 sets


    Perform plyo box step ups if you’re not able to jump safely.


    Max effort explosion exercises are vital for athletes as well as anyone who wants to be physically formidable.

    “Show” muscles are a great deterrent, but “go” muscles are an insurance policy.

    As always, good luck and make sure you stretch and cooldown properly to prevent injury.


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