Personally, 2021 has been an incredible year.
While the world was locking down and glued to the news in fear, I decided to look inward, develop myself, and invest in some mentors. These choices, and the things I’ve learned as a result, have changed my life in so many positive ways that it’s hard to calculate. Here's how I did it.
First, I made the decision to make health my number one priority. For a while I had let my health go. I drank too much, ate unhealthy foods, and didn’t exercise very often. Until one day, I looked down at the scales and saw the damage I had done. I was happy in general, but this was not who I wanted to be. I knew there was so much more I could do and accomplish. And that had to start first by changing my body.
So, I made the decision and never looked back. I began a yoga practice which I faithfully executed every morning. I began meditating and visualizing a better brighter future for myself. I began running, swimming, and hiking much more. I started to eat the foods and drink the liquids that I knew would lead to a healthier, stronger me. And since I had already made the definite decision in my mind, it was no problem staying on the path.

In the financial realm, 2021 has been a boom. Since the beginning of the year, I’ve tripled my net worth. To be fair, it wasn’t a gigantic net worth to begin with. Nonetheless, I’ve made vast strides in my economic well being.
This all got started with a decision to invest in myself, my mindset, my knowledge base, and my network. First I joined Peter Voogd’s Game Changer Academy. Peter is the best selling author of 6 Months to 6 Figures, and has created an amazing community of like minded money-conscious people. The synergy of the group propels everyone forward.

Next I joined Sam Ovens’ Consulting Accelerator Program. I’ve applied what I learned here to my Hypnosis business which continues to grow, create income, and make a huge difference in people’s lives. The things I’ve learned about online business in this program have completely changed the way I think and move as a business in the internet age. Sam is a genius at what he does and absolutely any entrepreneur can benefit from his wisdom.

In the sphere of relationships, 2021 has been a real page turner. I began the year deeply in love with an amazing woman. I spent the first 2 months of the year visiting her home in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Although we had some issues, I firmly believed we would work those out in time and enjoy a beautiful relationship together for many years to come.

Two weeks after returning to the US, the relationship ended. This was her choice, not mine. So there was some time I had to spend picking up the pieces of a “broken heart.” It doesn’t matter how hard and masculine you want to be. When the woman you love ends your relationship, it hurts.
The Other Side
However, going through this experience has made me so much stronger. I’ve come to realize some of the fears I've held onto, and how they were holding me back from living a fuller life. I understand better the qualities and characteristics that I require in a loving relationship. And even more important, the qualities and characteristics I require in myself. Love is not something you can control, direct, or hold onto. If you are able to feel it, experience it, and if necessary, let it go, then you have succeeded.

I now find myself expanding in so many ways. The study of Tantra is leading me in the direction of sexual exploration and magnifying spiritual and energetic vibration. I am meeting and enjoying all sorts of wonderful women. I am becoming more open to love in all of its forms, and the different possibilities that exist in intimate relationships. And I am becoming much more comfortable being fully authentic with who I am, and who I am becoming.
Next Levels
This year has produced deep challenges. But in the seed of these challenges lies the fruit of tomorrow. Personal growth never stops. There are always new things to learn and higher dimensions to ascend to. No matter what happens, always remain grateful, keep moving forward, exercise, secure the bag, and lead with love. The rest will take care of itself.
"In the seed of these challenges lies the fruit of tomorrow."
Andy Eversole
Start now by investing in yourself. If you want to use hypnosis and meditation to change your mindset for similar results, begin with my Life In Purpose Mind Mastery Program. You’ll look back from the future and thank yourself for making the decision to move in a different way.
Enjoy the Ride!
Andy Eversole, C.H.