Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and watching Detroit/Dallas find a way to lose. But most importantly, the amazing food that graces our table. Sister Shirley Caesar described it best "I got beans. greens, potatas, tomatas, lambs, yams, hogs, chicken, turkey, YOU NAME IT!!"
Just thinking about that good food always has me salivating. Most of us eat as much as possible before the 'itis' sets in putting us down for the count. But the best part of the holiday is set up perfectly...the leftovers!!
This is one of the few times of year where eating sweet potato pie, mac & cheese, turkey, and greens at 7am is not only accepted but actively encouraged! But all good things must come to an end though anon, and today is that day.
November 29th is National Throw Out Your Leftovers Day. This is four days after refrigeration, the maximum allowable time before food poisoning risk increases. Symptoms include abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, nausea and more. None which are worth it for a piece of a 4 day old turkey!
If you are someone who absolutely must save those leftovers, the freezer will save food for 2 months up to a year. Or you could do the sensible thing and wait about three weeks for Christmas when you have the majority of the same foods on the table freshly made!
In summary, throw those damn leftovers away today anon!