Being one of Twitter's elite takes tact and breaking these rules will destroy your brand aura.
Twitter plebeians break these rules all the time. And that's why they are plebs. If you want to look common and unimportant then break all of these rules all of the time. Only the skillful know when you can and cannot break these rules.
Disclaimer: If you have no sense of humor and cannot detect satire when you read it, or if you lack proper discernment please discontinue reading this and go back to your meaningless life.
Never Argue
Ragtag Twitter accounts spend much of their time arguing with others. Not having a purpose is the main cause of this redneck behavior. Their purpose is to react to people with a purpose.
People with a purpose don't have time to argue. For those of us who have a purpose, we cannot afford to argue with the dregs of our Twitter society.
"Never wrestle with a pig – it gets mud all over you and the pig likes it."
If you are going to argue you must punch up! Never punch down. This makes you look like a bully. If it does not make you look like a bully it makes you look petty, bored, or have too much time on your hands. People will think, "Don't you have something better to do?"
Most of the accounts you may argue with are burner accounts, trolls, or bots. Their purpose is to distract you from your purpose. Which leads to the next rule.
Use the Block Button
I have 16,000+ accounts blocked. On a scale from 1-10, my tolerance for distraction and detraction is at -5. Detractors enter my mentions to disparage me. The block is not for me. It is for them. I block for their own mental health. If I'm such a disturbance to their lives then I'll simply build a wall between us. If you don't like me or my tweets then I'll do you a favor and make sure you never have to see me or them again.
As a Twitter elitist, it is a privilege to view our tweets. Anyone who does not appreciate them should be revoked access.
Distraction and detraction Twitter accounts only lower the experience for your followers. They briefly take your purpose out of focus for your followers. The only role of detractors and distractors is to derail your mission. Giving them too much air will take the wind out of your sail.
Watch Your Follow Ratios
A good Twitter elitist never follows too many accounts. A verified account that follows 100k and has 200k followers garners little respect and jeopardizes their dignity. An unverified account that follows 100 and has 10k followers is much more dignified and respectable.
Accounts that follow more accounts than they have followers are the scraps of our Twitter society. Even having a 1:1 ratio is repugnant. These are signals of the lower class.
This type of activity is called "follow for follow," where one account follows another with the desire to receive a "follow back." This kind of follow holds no merit and is unjustified. Accounts that do this look "thirsty." Earn your followers, don't buy or bribe them.
Social media interns and managers often try this "follow-for-follow" method because their job depends on it. John Cena's account currently follows 463k+ accounts. He's obviously not running his account. I would fire the person running his account.

No Fraternizing with Peasants
Limit the number of interactions you have with small accounts. The more small accounts you interact with the lower your value becomes. When people have too much access to you they perceive you as one of them. You are NOT one of them. You are Twitter's elite!
If people can interact with you easily do you think they'll buy tickets to your events? Access to you needs to come with a fee. Free interactions are meaningless interactions. The more accounts you ignore the higher your perceived value will become.
Here's an example. Account x interacts with me consistently and abundantly. Being the highly engaged account they are I decide to follow them back. Now, all of a sudden, they are no longer interacting with my account. They perceive themselves to be on the same level and no longer desire to get my attention.
If you want someone to treasure your attention, ignore them.
Don't Tweet Too Much
Tweet a lot if you want to look common. People who send out storms of tweets appear to not have lives. The less you tweet the more it appears like you have a life. Perception is paramount when it comes to branding.
Journalists are one group who are exempt from this rule as their business thrives on reporting throughout the day. Analyze your business and conclude whether you're in an exempt category.

Attack Ideas, Not People
Being an elitist means having standards. It means not getting dirty. There is a particular bravado one must purvey to be the ultimate Twitter elitist. The standards for our behavior must be raised above that of the peasantry. Every action must be treated with class and dignity.
Attacking other people and accounts is unbecoming of our ilk. It is better to use your energy to promote accounts and personalities we like. Your time is better spent sharing great ideas with the Twitter community.
If you must attack something attack ideas and ideologies.
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."
If you want to know how and when to break some of the rules above and Dominate Twitter, hit this link and I'll show you the easy road to Twitter elitism.
Never Tag In
Appearance is important for an elitist. An elitist should always appear to be one. Act as if, if you want to become one. That means, NOT tagging in for help.
Novice Twitter users often tag people in their posts to help with engagement. This makes you look thirsty and desperate which is unbecoming of an elitist. Never tag folk in your posts for the sake of engagement.
Instead, join an engagement group or create one. Find your online community and start a group chat in the DMS. Take turns posting your tweets in there with the agreement that participants retweet and engage with the content posted there.
This is hidden from the public which maintains your air of elitism but still gives you the much-needed boost of engagement.
Never Explain Yourself
If you craft your tweets to be slightly vague to an untrained community, as advised in Dominate Twitter, many users will ask for clarity or context. Don't give them any.
This tactic will drive some crazy with intrigue. This intrigue will leave them hanging on to your every last tweet begging for more. If they want clarity, invite them to join your email list or listen to your podcast where you can explain yourself in a longer format.
Tweets have a finite amount of characters and you do not need to explain yourself thoroughly. Use tweets as bait.
Also, this gives your core audience a purpose. These vague tweets leave room for interpretation but your core audience understands you completely. So, these queries will be handled by your core audience which brings them closer to you. This is community building.