These 5 best-selling books are a great back-to-school guide to real practical solutions for Dads with teenage sons in a fast-changing world. For Work-from-home Dads, stay-at-home Dads, Single Dads or traveling Dads with sons. Discover the power of vulnerability, smart parenting and harmonious family relationships you can have with these books.

The 2021-2022 school year is unlike any other and becoming the new norm. Parents learned many lessons on how to be prepared for a remote work lifestyle with children.
Many households got to discover and evaluate the presence or absence of harmony in the household for the first time during the pandemic. The pandemic was either a gift or a curse, depending on your reality and how you perceived it.
A mentally healthy Dad can raise sons with sound mental health to become positive masculine, compassionate and strong men.
Fathers have a challenge this season. So our recommendations are that out of the old norm.
Dating will never be the same for these young men in the post-me-too and Health-passport era.
The coolest kid will be the one with Converse on his feet and NFT Sneakers they will never get to wear in their digital wallet. In the future, we can anticipate the end of IRL (in real life) proms with VR/AR prom takeover.

Meanwhile, obesity continues to rise in the adolescent population with fewer outdoor activities and more gaming, Snapchat days and depression. Suicide is amongst the leading cause of death in teenagers across the United States and the numbers continue to climb.
Dear Dad, you can take on a Hero’s challenge by simply being prepared and thinking outside the bubble.
You see, dear Dad, your children don't need your advice. Or so they think (or so it is). Teens are set with devices on their fingertips (paid by you, likely!) to replace their parental advice with Quora forums, their favorite Youtuber or Snapchat friends to solve their problems. They get the answers they want to hear from 'the experts' in their world.
So, from the voices of Generation X and Y, read and experimented by a Millennial parent of teens, here are our favorite books we think you will enjoy to master parenting, discover your super powers and be the COOLEST AND BEST DAD ON EARTH!
Note: Claim your super power now to learn about parenting, self-evaluation techniques and positive masculinity. Though, should extending your seeds into the world be in your realm, you are encouraged to pick up one or a few of our reading recommendations.
Happy Reading!
I AM SO THE BOSS OF YOU by Kathy Buckworth
This title says it all. Point. Blank. Period.
The only female author to be featured in this list, Kathy Buckworth hits home with an action plan and guide on how to master control of your household without losing your cool or time. A former corporate executive and manager for a team of over 20 members, Buckworth demonstrates how to overthrow democratic parenting and overcome self-entitled children.
For a single-dad household, chances are that you have your super powers intact and keeping your ducks in line. However, in case you are falling in a trap with your children, perhaps this book can help as a guide to bring back order.
For a two-parent household, it is recommended to read the book and just leave it around the coffee table or a common area 'accidentally' for your partner to discover. You may not be prepared to answer when your wife asks whether you question her parenting ability by handing her a book on how to be a parent.
Though should this happen, no worries. Just let her know, the book title reminded you of her and how much you appreciate her being the boss (to the children, of course! Don't say this either!).
If you can manage a team at work, you can manage a team at home. That's pretty much how it works, Buckworth suggests in the book.
Run your home like a corporation. Learn how to fire your children without kicking them out to the streets.
How much time have you saved when you stopped to remind your teen to mow the lawn? Or do they even pause their Call of Duty marathon for a chore session?
I Am So The Boss of You is a fun read with structured tips and immediate actions you can implement with children from toddlers to young adults still living at home.
Recommendation : Best books on Parenting for Dads, Single-Dads or Co-parenting Dads.

5 Levels of Applying Intention with VERGE : Vulnerability, Experiences, Relationships, Gratitude and Evaluation
This book brings attention to applying intention in your daily activities and moments in life through a structured model.
Vulnerability is the first stage of discovery that VERGE : The Intentional 5 Education Edition book reveals in an effective and easy to apply model for awareness of self and others. This edition was published for teachers to apply intention in their daily noble act of teaching practices, though it is really for everyone.
To demonstrate vulnerability, courage or absence of ego is required. Courage is practiced in the presence of facing fear. Overcoming fear opens new possibilities to step over to the other side and level you have not reached before.
Imagine reading about other students' experiences through the eyes of the teachers and reminiscing what your school days were like and how badass you were to your teachers. Gratitude is bound to kick in with a blow by the time you are half way in reading stories from IRL teachers presented by author, educator, designer and social architect O.B. Amaechi in VERGE : The Intentional 5.
The book is interactive where there are intentional activities that Dads can create engagement with your family. A pen should remain handy as you read this book to capture the thoughts onto spaces in the book or your private notebook.
Discover how it is possible to wake up the soul in this first of 3 edition VERGE : The Intentional 5 collection.
Recommendation : Best books on Discipline and Mental Health for Parents with School age Students
"The best companion in time is a book"
Al Mutanabbi (915–965 AD)
THE PATRIOT REPORT by Bryan "Hotep Jesus" Sharpe

The Conspiracy of Money and War, Exposing Marxism and Deconstructing Critical Race Theory
The Patriot Report book has nothing to do with parenting, though it is an essential read to bring balance to mental health in a mosaic of ideologies taught to young people. We add this to the collection as an Essential best 5 books for Dads with teenage and young adult sons.
Because, ultimately, you are raising your son to be the best he can be.
Like soldiers at war, who would give up their lives to earn a badge which their core values of honor and pride, teenage boys have the world of credit, dollars and Bitcoin to grow into and prove their masculinity as they shape their core values.
By reading The Patriot Report book, you'll be able to help dismantle the rubbish on Critical Race Theory students are about to learn in school and help direct their focus. While this book challenges what your History teacher has never taught you, we think the Economics teacher may quit their job when your child joins their class after reading The Patriot Report book by Bryan "Hotep Jesus" Sharpe.
You can order a physical book or obtain a digital copy instantly here.
Recommendation : Best books for parents and Dads to teach children on American history, money and socioeconomic topics
THE RATIONAL MALE by Rollo Tomassi

Your son will thank you for your open mind to simplify what being rational looks like, for both men and women.
Dear Dads, your sons and daughters should read this book too. At least when the day comes that she says : "I'm going out with my friends" and the time reads 11 P.M. And you are doing your best to keep that pistol down.
Like it or loathe it, innate human needs of males and females remain universal across time. There are of course, exceptions, and some varied. Feelings appear irrelevant for the broken hearts and you may find yourself appreciating the eastern traditional ways that the West has rejected and invested socialist movements to dismantle what has always worked.
GodFather of The Red Pill and author of the trilogy, The Rational Male, Rollo Tomassi, delivers a powerful trilogy that your teacher, father or grandfather never taught you.
Recommendation : Best books on parenting for Dads with young adult and teenage sons and daughters

Once again, serial author, autodidact, dedicated father, and community soccer coach, Hotep Jesus lays out the basic etymology of the successful mindset for young men who want to date and are too eager to give up their time and money for girls and momentary pleasures.
We couldn't describe this book better than its home page, which tells all you can expect to find in the Unbreakable Rules of Masculinity by Hotep Jesus.
What you can be sure of is that some of these techniques were tested by women and Moms with teens and young adult sons and it is mind-blowing on how much accurate advice is presented in the book.
For less than the cost of a face mask, imagine the difference you can make in the lives of young men to save time, money and learn to master peace of mind.
Craving for more?
Tune in live weekly on Wednesday nights to CryptoWendyO's Love & Marriage Podcast on the Hotep Jesus channel and punch that notification for the Prime Time epic show!
Recommendation : Best books for Dads raising teenage sons and young adult sons

We hope you find value in any and all of these best books for parenting and the mental health guide compiled for Dads with teenage sons, step-sons, Big Brothers, coaches, peer tutors or anyone around young people and youth.
We'd love to hear your feedback on which book you've read and how it helped you in parenting. Most importantly, the authors are highly appreciative when readers take the time to share their thoughts and reviews on their books in their respective domains. For more of our top picks this month, visit our bookshop and find us on Twitter.