Cain Velasquez Denied Bail #FreeCain

Cain Velasquez Denied Bail #FreeCain

Cain Velasquez was arrested for attempted murder after he shot at Harry Eugene Goularte for molesting one of the former UFC champion's relatives.
Cain Velasquez's mug shot.

The Incident

Early last week, news broke out regarding UFC legend Cain Velasquez's involvement in a shooting. Initially, not many details were revealed. Throughout the week details began emerging. Painting a tragic picture and a parent's worst nightmare.

Velasquez was arrested after shooting at an alleged child molester. Harry Goularte is believed to have abused what sources are calling a "close relative" of the UFC legend. On February 28th, prosecutors say that Velasquez drove his truck from Gilroy to Morgan Hill and to the home of Harry Goularte. Upon arrival, a high-speed chase ensued.

Velasquez rammed Goularte's vehicle multiple times prior to opening fire with a .40 caliber pistol 7 times. The intended target was not hit but his 63-year-old stepfather was, causing non-life-threatening injuries.

Harry Goularte's creepy mugshot.

The Motivation

Details from San Jose police reveal the motivation behind Cain Velasquez's actions. Three days prior to the shooting, Goularte was arraigned on one felony count of a lewd and lascivious act on a child. Goularte was granted supervised release without bail. The DA opposed the judge's decision to do so, as any sane fucking person would do.

The child is reported to be a "close relative" of Cain Velasquez. Goularte abused the child at a daycare that his mother, Patty Goularte owns in San Martin. That daycare has since been shut down.

A sheriff's Report shows the harrowing details. The child is revealed to be four years of age. Goularte sexually abused the child on multiple occasions while living at the daycare. The child has not been identified. Velasquez has 2 children. A daughter born in 2009 and a son born in 2018.

Cain Velasquez with attorney Mark Geragos during a hearing at the Santa Clara County Hall of Justice on Monday, March 7, 2022, in San Jose, Calif.

Denied Bail

Cain Velasquez appeared in court on Monday, March 7th. He was charged with 10 crimes including 1st degree attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and shooting at an occupied vehicle. Cain Velasquez was ultimately denied bail by Judge Shelyna Brown.

Brown stated, “The facts are clear here this was an alleged act of violence that involved following the individuals, chasing the individuals, ramming the individuals, and firing at the individuals at point-blank range”. Judge Brown also said that Velasquez's actions were “reckless by any standard.”

Outside of the courthouse, Velasquez's lawyer told cameras, “Is there anybody out there who would say to a father that this is not what you should do? Is there anybody out there who finds it to be beyond the pale that a father is not consulted with a release of the perpetrator back into the public with zero-dollar bail, yet they’re holding Cain on no bail?” Geragos said. “This is why people are disgusted, and rightfully so, with the criminal justice system.”

Velasquez is scheduled to reappear in court on April 12th.

What's a Man to do?

Cain Velasquez might have made a reckless decision. But you know what is more reckless and sinister by any measure? Releasing a child predator on NO BAIL. As if there's even a bail amount that would be justified to release such a piece of shit. The Judge who released Goularte is 100% responsible.

Velasquez is accused by prosecutors of vigilantism. The audacity of the system to ridicule this man after failing to do their duty is sickening. If you don't want people to take law into their own hands, don't put them in the position to HAVE to.

Derek Brunson in his "Free Cain' shirt.


After details surfaced, Cain received a wave of support. Sports fans, celebrities, and the MMA community especially rallied behind Velasquez. Derek Brunson, a UFC middleweight contender created shirts offering 50% of the proceeds going to support Velasquez's family. You can purchase them here. Many other MMA athletes took to social media to share their support.

A Failed System

The fact that child predators are regularly released in CA is terrifying. The statistics showing the tendency for predators to re-offend is enough to completely justify the destruction of zero bail policies. On top of many other reasons, it is a clear example of why the state is going to hell in a handbasket.

Something has got to change. If it doesn't, we're going to have a lot more justified fathers like Cain Velasquez facing bullshit charges. But then again, maybe it's by design because it sure seems that way. #FreeCain.

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