Mindset drives growth and these are the most important areas of focus
Where is your journey leading you?
How bad do you want it?
How are you going to get there?
The three most important words to your success answer these questions.
Every self-help goo-rue and book will stress desire — and rightfully so. Desire drives everything around you. The laws of government, which restrict freedom, exist because someone had the desire to make them a reality.
If the oligarch's desire is heavier than the public's then the oligarch will control the public. But if the public holds more desire than the oligarch then they would enjoy ultimate freedom.
Desire sometimes comes after a tragedy.
For example, a man breaks up with his girl because she has gained weight, and now, being single, risking never being married, and risking being desired by low-class men, she gains the desire to be fit.
Her desire to get fit was selfish. She didn't desire to be fit to attract her partner but instead chose to increase her fitness out of necessity.
But the best desire is one that's selfless. Being driven by the fact that you want to help others is the best fuel for desire. Maybe you have a family member in poverty and you wish them the best life possible, so you reach the riches to lift them up.
God, the universe, cosmic intelligence, or whatever you call it will reward you when you exude selfless desire. Desire to achieve for others and you will be blessed.
If you have not found your reason for desire, take some time to find it now. This is your source of power.
Whenever you feel the inkling to slack off, think of this source and let it drive you to improvement.
The definition of discipline is doing what you must even when you don't feel like it.
The ultimate test of discipline for a man is sexual discipline.
It is a given that a man will need to release his semen. But a man who cannot contain his lust to release, for a period of time, lacks discipline.
If you lack discipline in any part of your life and start with sexual discipline you will learn the skill of discipline in all parts of your life. More on semen-retention benefits and turning down women in the bedroom are in "The Unbreakable Rules of Masculinity."
Many internet-goorooz peddle 'motivation' as some means to an end. But motivation is fleeting. Motivation will leave you faster than a groupie girl at All-Star Weekend. But discipline is loyal like man's best friend.
If you develop 'discipline' you will immediately enter the upper echelon of society. You will be a member of an elite class of individuals who enjoy the sweetest fruits of life.
You will also see why so few enjoy these same fruits. The separation between you and these lackluster humans will be wider than the Grand Canyon. The average pleb has little to zero discipline and therefore is always subject to the wills and desires of others.
More on 'mindset' here.
All of the above could be all for naught without clear direction.
'Direction' comes from studying (and wisdom from experts). These studies must be a hefty mix of your own studies and others'.
Whatever your field is, you must experiment and explore it through study. Entering into action without research is like traveling through a dark forest blindfolded — avoidable mishaps are inevitable.
Without direction, you could be speeding in the wrong direction. And this could destroy your desire with disappointment.
This is why it's important to consult with the experts. Buy that course. Buy that book. These are investments.
If you're afraid to do this it does not mean the products are not good — it means you do not believe in yourself. You believe you are NOT worthy of the investment.
Tens of thousands, if not, over one hundred thousand dollars are spent for an individual to obtain a shabby liberal college indoctrination.
Why wouldn't you spend a fraction of that for the potential to earn 10x what these institutions offer you?
I am an expert in my field and my track record is proven. Whether it's my work with 50 Cent, landing on the Joe Rogan Experience, or every little win in between.
If you believe in yourself then you can have my marketing cheat guide which was cooked up, not from theory, but from real-world experience.
This could be the spark that creates a burning desire for you but it will definitely give you direction.
But discipline is sold separately...