Porn has NEVER been so easily accessible as it is today. While DVDs are obsolete, the Internet is ablaze with kitty cats and ding-a-lings doing the tango. But rarely does anyone ask whether it's hurtful or harmful to men and society at large.
Even websites that have nothing to do with porn have fallen victim to the porn overload campaign. Twitter censors EVERYTHING but porn. I swear you can't innocently scroll down the TL no more! Nobody wants to scroll down the TL and randomly see someone beating some cheeks. God forbid your volume is at the max and you're in public or something! Assuming you beat off when you watch porn...The effects of watching too much porn can be bad. But the upsides of it are 1.) It can spice things up in your bedroom and/or teach you some new things. 2.) Healthy for getting to know yourself and your tastes. 3.) it's better than raw-dogging and gambling with your future.
On a side note, porn titles are hilarious. Busty slut gets fucked hard...Young teen DESTROYED by BBC! Who the hell talks like that in real life?

Many studies have shown that watching too much porn can desensitize you. Sexual impotency. Erectile dysfunction. You name it. That's just the sexual part of it. After a while the shock value and taboo-ness just stops getting you off. Nothing is strange enough. Horseplay. perversion. dangerous territory. The desensitization accompanies the dehumanization in porn. Ebony. Gangbang.
You ain't talking about statues or toys. You're talking about human beings man! Emotionally, imagine what it does subconsciously to how you view other people. Just as bodies without brains and feelings. It's easier to treat people like dirt when you don't view them as... people. It's easier to be self-righteous and hold them to standards you don't hold for yourself. Read more on that later...
For vulnerable people, this desensitization kills. The taboo is never enough. The kink is never enough. Which can be a gateway to perversion. Rape, incest porn etc. Or let's just say...people who may take horseplay a little too literal.


Porn feeds you a fantasy. What other time could you have a maid? Much less, fuck your maid and cum in her face? Or have an affair with your stepmom? I knew a guy (who I'll keep anonymous out of love for him) with a secret porn addiction. He would judge me (from his religious high horse) for real-life sexual encounters, whereas his were limited to his hand and dem' freaky flicks. He would get off the phone with me to rebuke my "sleeping around" (dramatic af) and then go stroke his salami! I lie to you not. One time he called me crying about how awful he felt by his hypocrisy. Self-admittedly it was "stupid" for him to do this. So psychologically, porn f**ks up your worldview.
1.) It makes you compare yourself to other people. So, we might perceive our peers to be having wayyy more sex than us (like my friend above). 2.) This can lower your self-esteem. You feel like the odd man out or unworthy of some lovin'. 3.) It skews your view on what healthy relationships look like (platonic and sexual) and creates unrealistic expectations. Relationships go beyond sex.
Mind you, this man's like four years older than me. He had a Master's Degree. Had US Government work experience. But none of that s**t mattered when it came to connecting with women. That's pretty common with the awkward academic types. They're so married to their books and grades they don't get much social practice. Anyway, I say all this to say that no one is exempt from porn addiction. Addiction is not a respecter of persons!
Semen Retention

To really say whether porn is helpful or harmful we gotta look at the opposite: Semen retention AKA Nofap. Saving your soldiers has been proven to be helpful. In the spiritual community and secular world alike, many men say it helps them see things more clearly and feel more at peace inside. They're mind is not clouded by hello kitties and big titties!
To refrain from ejaculation has many benefits. Check out this clip of Hotep Jesus talking about it on Joe Rogan's podcast.
When you nut, you release a lot of energy. Hence why you feel drowsy afterward. Think about it. Your nut has the life force power to create a whole new life. But No Fap sparks creativity and many other things. See below.
- Boosted confidence
- Heightened spirituality
- Higher energy
- Increased stamina
- Increased testosterone levels
- Lower stress
- Muscle growth
- Stronger orgasms
Getting these results give you more chances to meet a mate. It leads to getting the things you envy other men for having. Well if you got some game and some steez. What do y'all think?