We dig deep into the Rachel Nichols/Maria Taylor battle with ESPN management.
We also touch on the confusing suspensions of Sha’Carri Richardson, Caster Semenya, Christine Mboma and Beatrice Maslingi for the Tokyo Olympics, while Laurel Hubbard dominates women’s powerlifting.
Jianchor’s own staff writer, Dax Hill, joins us to offer his insight into the details of Olympic Drug Testing.
Is this all racism? Or is it just too hard to keep up with the unwritten rules of the new Woke World of Sports?
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Ant on Twitter: @ABailey711
Adam on Twitter: @itsag400
Chad on Twitter: @chadlismyname
Jianchor on Twitter: @JianchorBlog
Dax on Twitter: @DaxHill
Uncle Hotep on Twitter: @UncleHotep