“The one thing man fears is the unknown. Individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by a World Government, a New World Order.”
Henry Kissinger

Recent Leaks and Admissions
I don’t watch the mainstream news. I prefer to maintain my sanity. But in truth, there’s really no escape. If you’re at all connected into the matrix, the news will find you. So, I couldn’t help but notice the slew of UFO sightings, leaks, and admissions coming across the airwaves in the last couple of years.
This trend has definitely ramped up in just the past few months with some amazing footage release by the military, who claim to not know what they are or where they come from. All of this seems to be culminating in a report that is due to be delivered to Congress by the Pentagon this month detailing what they know about the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon).

Now if you’ve been watching and paying attention as long as I have on this subject, it’s hard to get excited about these revelations. Sure, it feels slightly good to be vindicated on some level of “I told you so” to all of those people who called you crazy for speaking on this. Because it’s hard to truly deny something once the mainstream media and military have had to admit to it.
On the other hand, however, drawing from my experience with government secrecy and my intuition, it is glaringly obvious that there is another agenda at play here. Given recent history, and where we are in the state of the world right now, I’m concerned about what this agenda may be, and where we could be going from here.
Where Is This Going?
Dr. Steven Greer, noted scientist and doctor, and one who has been on the inside circles of these matters for decades, has an interesting theory on what’s coming, and is one I think we really need to consider. He puts forth a theory, backed by some convincing evidence, that..
The Government Will Stage a Fake Alien Invasion!
This might sound like a really wild idea. And perhaps it is, which is why it’s likely to work. Had you said this back in 2019, I would have raised my eyebrows incredulously. But now, after watching the entire world go through a systematic medical takeover, and seeing how easily people accepted lockdowns, masks, experimental procedures, and censorship of anyone asking any questions about the origins of the virus, I’m actually now concerned that they could really pull this off.

75 Years In the Making
According to Dr. Greer, this false flag alien takeover has been 75 years in the making. False flag UFO sightings began in the 1950’s and have continued to this day. To really understand where we are today, there are a couple of premises that one must explore.
- The Technology that the government and black programs have is many years beyond what we see in the public. They have developed aircrafts and systems that would seem alien to most people. Thus, they have the ability to stage false-flag sightings with incredible technology that would absolutely seem extra-terrestrial.
- Beings from other planets and star systems are real. According to Dr Greer and many reports from insiders in the government, President Eisenhower had several meetings with ET’s when he was in office. Governments have seemed to be in contact with them since. Recently a former Israeli Space Security Chief said ET’s are real and President Trump knows about it. - Some, but not all of the UFO sightings are actual crafts and beings from other worlds.
- There is a global group of families, tech lords, elites, and military leaders, who seek to create a central government, military, and currency, who rule over a subservient microchipped population. They go by many names…New World Order, the Globalists, the Illuminati. You saw them peek their heads out from behind the curtain during this “pandemic.” People like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and others are the public facing figures of this cabal. But the true power lies back in the shadows, the darkness, and is in direct contact with inter-dimensional beings, hence their obsession with Satanism and paedophilia.

How Do We Stop It?
Given these premises, it becomes clearer as to the overall who, what, and why of this project. As quoted by Henry Kissinger in the opening of this article, a perceived threat, as ominous and gigantic as an invasion by beings from other worlds, would create such fear and panic that the world’s population would give these groups every last bit of our freedom in exchange for the illusion of safety and security.
You only have to go back to 1938 and revisit what happened when Orson Welles broadcast War of the Worlds live on radio, and the panic that ensued. Now in 2021, given the technology available and the incredible power of big tech to control information, one can truly imagine the scale, scope, and possibility of such an undertaking.
According to Dr. Greer, Project Bluebeam is the name of this secret project run by NASA along with other groups around the world. So if you are interested in what’s already out there, dig into that and some other names like the Stargate Project. If this actually does go down, we want to have as many people aware of the history of this as possible. If enough people are awake, then it will be much more difficult for these master mind controllers to have their way.
Wake Up NOW!
The race is on and time is ticking. Now, more than ever, it’s so important to have control of your own thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and to have trusted sources of information. Check out my Life In Purpose - 7 Day Mind Mastery Challenge if you’re ready to break out of the trance and live life on your own terms. Join the movement NOW before it’s too late!
Andy Eversole, C.H.