The Patriot Report is a purposeful book and a timely release in 2021. As Independence Day marks the height of summer, The Patriot Report reveals shocking evidence in America's political and financial history by serial author Bryan "Hotep Jesus" Sharpe.

There's never a dull moment with multi-tech company entrepreneur, content creator and philanthropist, Hotep Jesus. He delivers an astounding book just in time for Independence Day as the voices for the next generation America is coming into shape. Disrupting the dialogue, starting in Miami, Florida, America is business as usual!
This is the perfect opportunity to take away some fluff from biased views and censorship. It's a great time to learn more about American history. I consider this a book that every American should read. It is also great for those interested in global history, money and American affairs.
Why The Patriot Report book is University in a day
"What in the fudge is the fuss about?", you ask?
Of course, I'm happy to share my North American perspective, backed by secondary education from the Queen, raised around self-proclaimed royals in the Middle East.
It can help save you thousands of dollars worth of time and money. In case your educational journey is similar to mine.
In 2016, one semester, I drove every weekday from Toronto to Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. The trip was 4 hours both ways, each day for an entire semester! I stayed all day on campus to knock out classes and assignments. There were frequent foggy days as the city of Peterborough is surrounded by water.

The experience of clean, brisky and fresh mornings was less enjoyable in those moments. I wondered whether I drove with the ability to see what was ahead or from memory. There were some days of sleeping on the side of the road, flat tires on the highway, or locked out of my own car moments.
All this adventure and more was for a University degree.
The Patriot Report book: Student debts or a hot dog combo for history?
The first question which popped in my head when I started to read the Patriot Report was : "How does this book cost a fraction of my University cost and I learned more here?"
Don't get me wrong, I loved the University experience, however, when I calculated the financial expenses and student loans with interest, I find that The Patriot Report book is a steal!

Even with the rise in inflation, The Patriot Report beats the price of Nixon's hotdog
The Patriot Report book costs less than the price of a hot dog combo at a sports arena like HardRock Arena in Miami, Florida or even a trip to the Blue Jays game at Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Canada. I hope this makes sense.
The book is full of gems uncovering further volumes of facts that could have saved time in many areas. This includes social movements which disrupt our economic system.
The Patriot Report makes University look like a waste of time
My University cost for one term was :
- One semester course ($750+ per course - full time load)
- Cost of gas on a V6 engine for 4 hours a day drive
- Car insurance
- Repairs and maintenance
- Child care costs
- Food costs on campus (a topic of its own!)
- And the infamous miscellaneous costs: like Spotify throwing a party on campus convincing you to go Premium for your favorite tunes collection!

Student life is hard in desert, fog or snow
I stopped doing the math when I found that this book costs less than 1% of what I invested in University expenses and still pay a portion in student loan interest today.
My first class that semester was about Human Inequalities, uncovering some nasty timelines in history.
It was the first time I learned about the Bretton Woods Agreement (revealed in The Patriot Report) and what the World Wars were really about. The conglomerates I thought were our protectors turned out to be the puppet master makers. It made no sense at the time. These are the kind of topics you may get a glimpse of in mainstream media, or never hear about it at all.
The Patriot Report book just bombs you with facts and reference points!

The 3rd Grade effect : The Patriot Report book is independence
After all this effort, depression and reality to focus on economics over socialism, I've had to take on a harder task: being a writer in 2021.
I have to throw out all the University writing skills to get your attention in this writing about The Patriot Report.
Writing mentors recommend to write like a 3rd Grader or fewer people will read my publishing.
So far, I managed to come down to a 7th grade level in this book review for The Patriot Report.
Hope it helps.

However, I wonder : "Do I really have to write to you like a third Grader?" In that case, this book may not be for you. Get The Patriot Report book anyway to be notified on the film release announcements.
Or subscribe to Hotep Jesus, Uncle Hotep and Jianchor Podcast channels, among the hottest disrupting channels for critical thinking experiences and development.
This is an example of the issues we deal with today in our modern society : short attention span and free-loading; a.k.a. grifting.
Grab a copy of The Patriot Report here, if you're nearly tapped out!
How will readers react to the release of The Patriot Report book?

I think reactions will depend on the type of reader that gets their hands on this fruitful documentary.
The short attention span of 0.3 seconds, reels and video feeds everywhere killed the ability for a reader to slow down and read between the lines. It appears that the next generation is really screwed.
Nevertheless, read this book for the sake of your children, pets or silicon-touch girlfriend you plan to have a future with. The Patriot Report delivers a roller-coaster effect to a reader.
Like : "Hold up!"
"Go back a page!"
'Did I read that right?!"
For the avid reader, similar experiences are highly possible as The Patriot Report book is a fun read!
Reading The Patriot Report is a chance to discover new information about your backyard. The relevant kind which can bring the feeling of true liberation, without having to flood social media feeds and or storm the streets with protests.
It helps to filter through the noise in the world. Your decision making can shift and give rise to new opportunities. It is also possible to care less about political parties or look and develop a new lens to see the world.
One potential side effect from reading this book can be a "raised brow" on your next meet with a banker, history teacher or politician.
If you are thinking twice to grab a copy of The Patriot Report by Hotep Jesus, then, it is encouraged to do the same when you think of your bank and the financial system. Or learn about available financial alternatives.

The Magic of History in The Patriot Report book by Hotep Jesus
There were many "aha" moments reading about American history and history of money in The Patriot Report. However, the surprise was it was entertaining to read. The desire to dive into research willingly was on steroids.
Magic happens in reading when the imagination is left to the reader.
I prefer to first read a book than watch a movie of a story. That's the kind of magic effect the pages of The Patriot Report left with me. And you are invited to experience your own magic and discoveries in this book.
By now, you may wonder, how can a book about exposing Marxism be imaginative and adventurous like a movie.
Pay attention when you read The Patriot Report. It can get potent.

In the Patriot Report, Hotep Jesus celebrates one of his student Entrepreneurs from his Mogul Summit, where like minds come together to build their prosperity. The character of a 21st century leader presents itself with the feature of a superlative American history-based fiction thriller story by Zolyin, an up and coming star writer, in The Patriot Report.
I could list other traits like collaboration and empowerment, though, the discovery is yours to explore!
As the South African Globalize Yourself Stereo DJ once said :
"Open your mind. Open your wallet and Globalize yourself."
Mixcloud Red Bull Radio
You have one life to live. What is it going to look like?
The Patriot Report book has done its part.
Stay love and keep on reading!
This book review is the personal opinion of the writer and there may be affiliate links published in this article. Should you be an author who wants a book review published, reach out to Jianchor Team by email or to the writer on Twitter.